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Christmas Trivia Game Fun

The Christmas Trivia Game is fun for the whole family. Enjoying a frugal Christmas is easy when you replace commercialism with fun! Include the kids in a variety of fun activities to not only distract from the commercial side of Christmas but to sneak in some great "quality family time" and learning activities. Christmas parties and games are a great way to achieve this.

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The Christmas Trivia Game is one game that you, and the kids, can create and have fun with in several different ways.

A Christmas trivia game can be played a few different ways. For an easy party game, you can put together a list of trivia questions, make the required number of copies, and the person who answers the most correctly wins a gift. Simple and easy to prepare.

Create your own Christmas Trivia Game

For a party or family game, create a complete Christmas trivia game using old business cards or index cards. Cut index cards in half. This is a great way to recycle old business cards. Put one Christmas trivia question and answer on each card and place in a pile. You can use easy, medium, and hard questions if you desire or want to use with a group of mixed ages. Be sure to identify each in some way (say, a different color marked on each level) and keep different levels separated. Rubberband together for easy storage.

Here are some different ways you can play your Christmas Trivia Game!

  • Three strikes your out Christmas Trivia Game! This Christmas trivia game is good for a large group or for a quick game with a small group.

    Designate a score keeper. Decide who will go first. First person draws a card with question suitable for the person to his/her right, (if using different levels decide age group/level deciding factors, for instance, only under 12 draws easy cards, adults must draw hard level, etc.) He then asks the person to the right the question. If the person gets it right, all is ok. If the person gets it wrong, they get one strike from the score keeper. It is now this player's turn to draw a card for the person to his/her right.

    Continue moving around the circle to the right. Once a person reaches three strikes, they are out of the game. The last person remaining gets a gift.

  • Most Points Wins Christmas Trivia Game! If using different levels, designate points for each level. For example: easy question = 1pt, med = 2pt, hard = 3pt. Players group in circle fashion. Designate a score keeper or have each player write down their own score on paper and pencil you supply.

    Place your Christmas Trivia Game cards in the center of the group. Draw and answer until all cards are gone. Correct answer gets points added to player's score. An incorrect answer gets that number of points subtracted from score. The player with most points when all cards have been drawn is the winner.

  • Team Play Christmas Trivia Game! Separate into two teams, evenly if possible. Separate trivia cards into easy, medium, hard levels. Each team has a designated "Santa's helper." To make it more interesting, have some props, like a Santa hat or elf hat for Santa's helper.

    Mark a spot for each "Santa's helper" to begin, an equal distance from destination point where the prize is kept. From one side of an average size room to the other is a good distance. Adapt the distance to suit your age group.

    The prize can be wrapped as a gift if desired. Be sure the Christmas Trivia Game prize is something that can be split up among the group. For example, a bag of candy, some homemade ornaments, small trinkets or toys, candy canes, etc.

    Each group is lined up in order of how they will answer. On each turn, the player up gets to choose which level trivia card is used. Have an adult draw a Christmas Trivia Game card from the appropriate level and ask the question. Alternate from one group to the other and making sure each team member gets a question in order of how they are lined up.

    If the team member gets the question right, that team's "Santa's helper" moves forward the corresponding amount of steps (heel to toe). If the player gets it wrong, that teams "Santa's helper" must move back the corresponding amount of steps. (toe to heel)Easy = one step, Medium = two steps, Hard = three steps.

    The first Santa helper to reach the gift or prize, gets it for their team to share!

    Option: For a small group: Play as individual players with one gift prize. Each player plays "Santa's helper" and moves forwards or backwards as they answer the trivia question.

  • Using a Game Board with your Christmas Trivia Game! Create a game board with starting and ending points. Recycle an old game board (from a game that is missing game pieces) or use posterboard, cardboard, or other similar surface that can be drawn or painted on.

    Use your imagination to create a playing area on the game board. This can be a circular pattern where players move around the board together, straight row patterns where each player has their own start and end point, or make it more holiday fashioned like forming the blocks (or circles) into a christmas tree, star, candy cane, or other christmas theme shape.

    Use your Christmas Trivia Game cards as in the above examples to move around (or across) the board using the same correct answer goes forward, incorrect goes backwards strategy or just moving forward with correct answers, no movement with incorrect answers.

The great thing about creating your own Christmas trivia game is that you can adapt the game to suit whatever age group, mixed group, or family preferences you want. It's your Christmas Trivia Game, keep it simple or make it more challenging.

Same flexible concept with the design of your Christmas Trivia game. You put what you want into it. Keep the design simple, or make it a masterpiece! Whatever you decide, it's a great way to sneak in some Christmas history to keep the real focus of Christmas alive.

Here are some examples,ideas, and resources for trivia questions to help you create your Christmas Trivia Game.

Christmas Trivia Game Question Ideas and Examples

  • Nativity Trivia Questions

    How many wise men (or Kings) visited Jesus in the manger? Answer - 3
    In what town was the manger where Jesus was born located? Answer - Bethlehem

  • Reindeer Trivia Questions

    Which name does not belong to one of Santa's reindeer? Name three or four and throw in a made up one. (easy one - ie a. Dancer b. doughnut c. comet d. blitzen)

    How many reindeer are named in the popular song Rudolph the red nose reindeer? Answer- 9 (DASHER, DANCER, PRANCER, VIXEN, COMET, CUPID, DONDER, BLITZEN, and RUDOLPH)

  • Christmas Song Lyric Trivia

    What Christmas song does the line come from?

    Holy infant so tender and mild = Silent Night
    Better not pout I'm telling you why = Santa Claus is coming to Town
    Come they told me....... to see the new born king.... = The Little Drummer Boy
    Then one foggy christmas eve Santa came to say = Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
    Don we now our gay apparel = Deck the Halls
    Good tidings to you and all of your kin = We Wish You a Merry Christmas
    And if you ever saw it you would even say it glows = Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
    This, this is Christ the King, Whom shepherds guard and angels sing = What Child is This?

    You can make as many cards on lyrics as you want simply by using different lines from songs listed above or using other songs.

    Other Christmas Trivia Game song questions:

    Elvis Presley recorded what sad song in the fifties? Answer = Blue Christmas

    What was Brenda Lee doing around the Christmas Tree? Answer = Rockin'

  • 12 days of Christmas Trivia

    Make several cards asking what was given on a specific day.

    1st day of xmas = A partridge in a pear tree
    2nd day = Two turtle doves
    3rd day = Three French hens
    4th day = Four calling birds
    5th day = Five golden rings
    6th day = Six geese a-laying
    7th day = Seven swans a-swimming
    8th day = Eight maids a-milking
    9th day = Nine ladies dancing
    10th day = Ten lords a-leaping
    11th day = Eleven pipers piping
    12th day= Twelve drummers drumming

  • Popular Christmas Stories and Books Trivia

    What famous author wrote A Christmas Carol? Answer = Charles Dickens
    In the popular Christmas story The Night Before Christmas, what visions danced in the heads of the children nestled snug in their bed? Answer = sugar plums (While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads)

    In the famous story The Night Before Christmas what is Santa's nose described as? Answer = a cherry (His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!)*Do the same for a cheeks question

    What famous Christmas story was written by Clement Clarke Moore? Answer = The Night Before Christmas

  • True or False Christmas Trivia Questions

    In New Orleans, a huge ox is paraded around the streets decorated with holly and with ribbons tied to its horns. Answer = True

    There is a town in Pennsylvania named Bethlehem. Answer= True

    During a Hawaiian celebration Santa would arrive by plane. Answer = False (he arrives by boat)

    St. Nicholas was named the patron Saint of December. Answer = False (He was named the patron Saint of children)

  • Christmas Movies and Shows Trivia

    In A Charlie Brown Christmas, what winter recreation is the cast of characters doing in the opening scene? Answer = Ice Skating

    In It's A Wonderful Life, what did George dream of becoming? Answer = An Engineer or architect

    In A Charlie Brown Christmas, how many cents does Lucy charge for her psychiatric services? Answer = 5 cents

  • General Christmas Trivia Game Questions

    What two words are normally pre-printed on gift tags? Answer = To and From

    What popular Christmas toy is based on a 1903 political caricature? Answer = The Teddy Bear (after Teddy Roosevelt)

    After red and green, what are the two most popular Christmas colors? Answer = Silver and Gold


Find history, facts and traditions to create more Christmas Trivia Game Questions


Trivia Books

Look for these at your local library...

101 Questions About Santa Claus
Christmas Trivia
Were They Wise Men or Kings?: The Book of Christmas Questions
Christmas Trivia: 200 Fun & Fascinating Facts About Christmas
Quizmas : Christmas Trivia Family Fun

Knowing your Holiday spending is already paid for

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