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Countrywide Mortgage.

A Vision Becomes Reality

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Countrywide Mortgage is a company I highly recommend for your home loans needs. They are a well known and respected force in the lending industry with substantial history in home loan lending. You've most likely heard of them already. What you may not know, however, is the history and strong community ties of this vibrant company.

I have taken the time to learn as much as I can about some of the leading lenders in the industry and am very proud to recommend Countrywide Mortgage.

Not too many people take the time to find out the history of the company they are considering patronizing.

In today's fast paced world we tend to neglect this important consideration.

A company with a rich history and strong committed community ties, like Countrywide Mortgage, deserves to have it's achievements recognized.

Here is a short overview of where Countrywide came from and the services they offer today. You can get more detailed information on their website.

While Helping Others Realize their Dream Come True, They Realized Their Own Dreams Come True.

The parent company, Countrywide Financial Corporation, was founded in 1969 and employs more than 10,000 individuals in 550 offices across the nation. Started by a pair of ambitious New Yorkers who envisioned a "country wide lender", Countrywide has grown into the #1 home lender in America.

Two men, using a small office space and a strong ambitious vision, became the #1 home lender in America, Countrywide Mortgage. An encouragement to all entrepreneurs!

Surviving Good and Hard Times

Through good times and hard times, Countrywide Mortgage has remained a constant strong force in the industry. Challenging traditional rules, creating new concepts, and expanding it's financial services to suit the economy and continued business growth, it has been a mainstay in the financial community.

Continuing to Meet the Borrowers' Needs Today

Today, Countrywide mortgage continues to meet the needs of a diverse group of borrowers, including those who require more flexibility due to self-employment, high consumer debt or less-than-perfect credit histories.

That means bad credit doesn't have keep you from fulfilling your dream of becoming a homeowner. They specialize in helping people with less-than-perfect credit who are seeking home equity or refinance loans.

Their vast experience in residential finance has given them the special insight needed to help consumers effectively reach their financial goals.

Countrywide, has helped millions of Americans achieve their goals of home ownership. Not just through loans, but by contributing to housing organizations, donating to schools, lobbying for fair and just laws, and even with employee volunteers by rebuilding homes for families in need.

Countrywide Mortgage is committed to lowering the barriers to homeownership, and champions this cause by supporting nonprofit organizations who are dedicated to increasing affordable housing. Through their flexible loan options and charitable programs like Countrywide Dreams, Countrywide Gives, and Countrywide Cares, they empower people to create financial security, and build strong communities.

Countrywide Mortgage Makes a Positive Difference in Our Communities and People's Lives.

  • Countrywide Dreams - Supports the national Rebuilding Together organization. Rebuilding Together is the nation's largest volunteer organization preserving and revitalizing low-income houses and communities.

    Each year, through 250 affiliates working in more than 800 communities in all 50 states, over 250,000 Rebuilding Together volunteers make repairs and improvements that allow elderly, disabled and low-income families to continue to live in their homes with warmth, safety, accessibility and dignity.

  • Countrywide Gives - Supports community development with a focus on educational programs and social services. High priority is given to organizations in low-to-moderate income communities near major offices where employees are involved.
  • Countrywide Cares - In addition to the Countrywide Dreams and Countrywide Gives grant programs, Countrywide also offers the Countrywide Cares Matching Program. A program that encourages it's employees to give as well.

    Each employee is eligible for up to $5,000 in matching funds per calendar year for any nonprofit or school, except religious organizations for religious purposes or political organizations.

    Employees may allocate their matching funds for personal donations, fundraising or a combination of the two. Examples of the top categories for matching include: schools/education, health, youth/family, food & shelter, disaster relief, and arts/culture.

  • When you support companies like Countrywide, by engaging their services, you can be proud that you are helping them help others.
    That's something you can feel good about!

    What Countrywide Will Do For You

    Countrywide's Full Spectrum Lending division offers loans with low monthly payments, fast approvals, reduced paperwork and low application fees.

    You will have a personal loan consultant that will help you through the entire loan process step by step. You'll never be left to fend for yourself.

    It is this kind of personalized superior customer service that has provided success.

    They offer help to first time buyers, and other borrowers, with considerations for determining what you can afford, what kind of house will suit your needs and how to find the perfect home.

    My advice is to ask as many questions as you need to in order to totally understand the terms of any loan. The loan process can be very complicated, filled with professional terms that you will not be expected to understand. This is why it's so great to have your own personal home loan consultant to help you through the process.

    Your success guarantees their success.

    The professionals at Countrywide are there to help you understand so you can make an informed decision.

    Simply fill out the convenient short form at Countrywide Mortgage fullspectrumlending.com to have a representative contact you.

    If you've been turned down lately or have bad credit, Countrywide may be able to help you.

    Countrywide will help you get that home equity loan you need for debt consolidation, home improvement, or other personal needs.

    Refinance your home to consolidate debt, or lower your payment, regardless of credit history. Click here to learn how.

    Whatever your need, Countrywide Mortgage has your home loan answer. And, you can trust that they have the experience to get you the best loan, with the lowest rates, for your individual needs!

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