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Find Your Niche in the Business World

Want to find your niche in the business world?

Self Discovery | The Common Denominator | It's Never too Late!
Finding your niche could be as easy as a rediscovering what it is you love to do! To begin your self discovery, ask yourself this....

Who Am I and What do I Love to Do?

Well, isn't this the twenty million dollar question! A more appropriate question might be "Who was I and what did I love to do?"

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As you search to find your niche in the business world, you will search to find yourself, and what it is you love to do. You may find the task harder than you thought it would be. Try to think about your childhood. A bit of self discovery may be necessary in order to find your niche.

Self discovery often begins with a review of our past. Can you remember what thrilled you as a child? Like many people, you've probably forgotten what brought try joy and excitement to your essence.

Children instinctively just "know" what they love. They don't really have to find their niche, they just know what it is they love to do, and they do it! This could be the secret to help you find your niche.

We quickly forget what makes us happy as we grow into adults. External influences eventually diminish the thought of actually doing what we love to do. To find your niche in the business world, you may need to rediscover what it is you love to do.

For example, when I was a child, I remember wanting to be a stewardess, a mother of 8 (don't know why it had to be 8, sounds rather ambitious in today's world), and a musician. These are at least three things that I actively pursued in my imagination, play, endeavors, and dreams.

Well, didn't every little girl who grew up in my world want to be a stewardess? It seemed so. Or, could it have been a clue to what really was the essence of me? Maybe I longed to travel and this was what society offered at the time.

I did have a musical inclination. I seemed to learn to play clarinet fast, and was quite good for a beginner. Never got past the beginning, victim of circumstances, but that's another long story. I could pick a tune on the piano by ear and dreamed of being able to sit down and flawlessly play the most beautiful of compositions. But, that didn't happen.

The mom thing? Don't know where that came from. Maybe the caring side of me. Maybe just that period most little girls go through where they emulate their mother and "play house." Who knows?

But, I did grow up to be the mother of four. I quickly learned that 8 was really ambitious. Some days, I don't know how I survive the four. I'm far from super mom but I guess I don't do too bad.

I've found recently, through self searching and pondering, that self discovery becomes increasingly difficult with age and life's interference. Yes, life's interference can be very damaging to our happiness. Our experiences tend to mold us into the person we are today. By the way, that isn't necessarily who we were meant to be.

But, if you can find yourself and what it is that you are truly passionate about, you will find your niche!

Have You ever Longed to Be Able to do Something You are Passionate About or Truly Loved as a Child?

Maybe it's some form of art; painting, drawing, crafting, dancing, or singing. Maybe you enjoyed building things or, taking things apart and putting them back together. Or, were you the mathematical genius in the class? Did you love to play school and teach real or imaginary children?

Childhood is innocence. As children we accept our true essence without question and pursue it daily in our real and imaginary play. It is life and life's external influences that re-route us away from what we love to do. We are too quickly discouraged from the pursuit of happiness.

You may find your niche by reviewing your past or, maybe you have a talent right now that you would love to share with the world.

Self discovery doesn't always mean a whole lot of soul searching. Maybe you know right now what it is you would love to do! You just never thought you could make a living sharing that talent.

The Common Denominator

It is apparent in many happy, successful, adults that there is often a common denominator.

Most extremely successful people really love doing what they do. They live their work. They strive to be better and better at it. They never dread going to work and are always thinking about new ways to improve. They simply love the work.

They "live to work" not "work to live."

America's most famous billionaire, Malcolm Forbes, reflected this same belief, that you should do what you love to do to be successful, in several of his statements:

"Success follows doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful."

"When what we are is what we want to be, that's happiness."

"The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy."

These quotes from Malcolm Forbes pretty much sum up the importance of doing what you love to do.

Everyone should pursue what they love to do. Then work at doing what they love.

You may say "It's too late."

It's never too late to rediscover your childhood passions. It's certainly never too late to start getting some satisfaction and enjoyment out of life. If only for your own pleasure, you should pursue what you love to do. Find your niche and go for it!

Whatever it is you feel you would love to do, just do it. Take an art, singing, dancing, literature, accounting, computer, home decorating ,or mechanic class. Invest in yourself and your happiness. You may find that through pursuing what you love, you will find your best work.

Find your niche and share your knowledge, passion, or talent with others. You will see yourself become confident and successful at what you love to do.

I found that my favorite thing to do is to simply be a housewife and mother. Maybe it's not "just being a mom." Rather, it's doing the things required to be a housewife and mom. It's not a glamorous career. But, it does require quite a few skills.

Moms are usually very talented in more than a few areas; art, organization, accounting, negotiating, and decorating are just a few that come to mind.

My favorite task is saving money. A family of six makes saving money pretty much a requirement of my job but, I've found that I Love IT! I get great satisfaction in getting the most for my money, getting things for free, and managing a household on a very limited income. Find something that you love this much and you will find your niche in the business world.

I did just that! I found something that I was knowledgeable about, and that I loved to do, and decided to share that knowledge with others. I knew that what I had to offer could be of value to others.

Free SiteSell E-books
I didn't have any idea how to begin to share my ideas with the world. I am a tech idiot and had no knowledge of site building, internet marketing, or even how to express myself.

Then I stumbled upon Site Build It! and that was the beginning of a lovely relationship. I took them up on their free trial offer to see for myself if it could be so easy.

The rest is history! SBI does all the essential work for me behind the scenes. All I have to do is concentrate on research, writing, and building content rich pages! That's why so many SBI sites are in the top 1% of all sites on the internet.

SBI puts as much into making my work a success as I do!

See the results for yourself. The proof is here. There's no denying it.

The greatest part is that I actually have fun sharing my ideas and money saving tips. And, I enjoy researching and finding more money saving tips for myself and others.

Sometimes, it seems like I can't pull myself away from my work. That's because I love it so much. I love it, I am passionate about it, and I believe in it! Enthusiasm is contagious. If I can get others excited about saving money, then I am happy.

I'm working at home and I'm lovin' it!

Well, isn't that what I've been trying to tell you? Find your niche and work at what you love to do. Why, I'm proving my own point here! I'm not the only one, though. There are lots of people sharing their ideas and having fun doing it!

Here are some ordinary people, just like me, who found success and freedom in sharing their talents, knowledge, and beliefs.

I don't like the way things are lookin' for family finances today. It's discouraging to see so many families in financial trouble. Maybe, I'll help change that! Maybe you can change something too!

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