There are so many great holiday gift ideas! It's that time of year again. Time for traveling, decorating, holiday parties, family, friends, relatives and of course. . . . shopping.
How many of you simply whip out the credit card and start charging every gift you can find, only to dread the day when your statement arrives in the mail? Or, are you one of the few that save a little every month just to cover the holiday expenses when they come around?
Before you spend your money on the latest over priced, trendy gadgets, why not take the time and really think about holiday gift ideas with special meaning. Something that will remind that person just how much they mean to you.
Time to come up with some great holiday gift ideas for Christmas!
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Gregory of Saving Secrets offers these Christmas Holiday Gift Ideas! =======================================
HOLIDAY LETTER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sending a yearly "wrap-up" letter to your family, friends and relatives is a great way to save time and money. Instead of buying expensive Hallmark cards and writing individual letters to everyone on your list, design your own holiday letter.
When writing a "wrap-up" letter, remember this is the perfect time to inform friends and relatives what's been happening in your family's life over the pastyear. Even if something important happened in your life back in February or March, some of your acquaintances might not have heard about it, so let them know.
After writing a rough draft, use your computer (or a friends) to help produce an attractive letter. You'll find that programs such as Microsoft Publisherwalk you through step by step so you will have a beautifully designed letter in an hour or two.
Get a recipe for a hardening clay from any holiday crafts book. A childs' footor hand imprint creatively decorated make excellent gifts for grandparents or relatives. This is something special that you can only give once. Your kidswill quickly grow up.
TIS THE SEASON . . . . KEEP THIS IN MIND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All too often, the holidays seem to come and go in a flicker of an eye leavingus wondering if we even had a celebration at all.
Take the time to visit withothers whom you do not get to see very often. Spend time with the elderly in yourfamily.
Start a 'tradition' within your family that everyone, including the kids, canparticipate in. These will be your cherished memories of the loved ones in your life that no gift can ever replace.