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Using Home Lighting in Your Decorating Projects

Illuminating Tips Lighten Up Your Home

(ARA) � Changing home lighting can immediately impact a room�s atmosphere. Something as simple as lighting can dramatically change a room.

In most homes, lighting doesn�t take top priority. In fact, people commonly under-spend when it comes to lighting. Simple lighting tricks can have a powerful impact on the entire environment. As a result, a little home lighting can have a very dramatic effect on a room or a space.

Lighting falls into three basic functions:

  • general lighting
  • task lighting
  • feature lighting
  • The amount of light for a room has more to do with the room's use rather than any other criteria.

    For example, in areas such as kitchens or home offices more task light is needed than a bedroom or a living room would require.

    "Lighting can easily have the most dramatic impact on any environment," says Jeff Zwelling, cofounder of YLighting.

    "I have learned some great ideas from our best design clients. Here's a few that can help you make your homes and businesses look even better."

    • 1. If you have dark corners, a well-placed floor lamp with a low voltage bulb can help brighten up the space.
    • 2. Be aware of color -- incandescent home lighting looks great at night, but terrible in the day. Halogen lights create a more natural light effective for both day and night in the home.
    • 3. The light from sconces should be diffused either by glass or paper shades.
    • 4. There are several sources now for amber filament bulbs. When dimmed they feel like candlelight and create the warmest quality of light. They can be great in a floor lamp near a sofa or chair since there is no harsh glare when you look up.
    • 5. Recessed home lighting can improve almost any design, accentuating key elements such as art and furniture. These are very useful to add as decorative and atmospheric elements to a room.
    • 6. To enhance your home from the outside in, I prefer to under light landscapes and focus on functional lighting of organic elements such as trees and shrubs. My favorite trick is to light plants outside to create light inside. We have this outside of a dining room window and it really creates a different feeling at dinner parties.
    • 7. For the bathroom to further reduce glare, opt for frosted white bulbs, rather than clear models, and avoid fixtures with exposed bulbs. - Courtesy of ARA Content

    Check out Fun and Whimsical Home Lighting Just for Kids!

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