Use this monthly budget worksheet to record all of your monthly expenses. Use this worksheet in conjunction with household budget worksheets 1 and 3 to address all budget necessities and create a practical money management plan.
Tip: For best printing choose print preference "landscape" then print pages 1-5.
Budget Calculator See how your spending compares. A great tool to identify specific category overspending.
Monthly Spending Plan for ________________________
Free monthly budget
worksheet (2 of 3)
You should have
completed the
monthly budget worksheet to enable you to compare your actual spending
for the month against your net monthly income. In this worksheet,
we want to help you create a balanced spending plan.
On average, people spend 10% more than they make each month. You
can't eliminate debt, increase savings, or maximize your investments
if you are spending more than you bring in each month. This monthly budget worksheet will help you create a balanced monthly spending plan so that you
can cut hidden spending, increase savings, and eliminate debt.
Print out the budget worksheet below and:
List your actual
expenditures from last month in the column labeled "Spent Last Month".
net monthly income and the difference between what
spent and your net income in the "Balanced Spending
Plan Summary" table.
Make the adjustments
the plan
to balance
with your income in
the column titled, "Adjusted Allocation".
Add up the
totals from your adjusted allocations in the "Balanced Spending
Plan Summary" table.
Subtract your
total allocations from your net monthly income. This amount should
be zero so that you have all your income allocated to a spending
category, with no overspending.
Monthly Income less amounts spent or allocated)
(should be 0)
is an automated way to do this that will save you time and money!
Mvelopes Personal
will help you create a balanced spending plan, and it will
automatically track your spending. You will always know exactly
how much you have left to spend and how long it has to last.
Mvelopes Personal allows you to create as many budget categories
as you need, and also allows you to track spending from as
many bank accounts, credit cards, and debit cards as you
want. No more paperwork, no more math, and no more manual
data entry. Get a free 30
day trial of Mvelopes Personal today by clicking
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