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Five Ways to Make and Save Money on the Internet
The cost of groceries is rising, as is the price of gasoline along with many other necessities of life. For many Americans the trick to staying afloat ...
Save Money - Free Online Personal Budgeting Tool
A friend told me recently about a free online personal budgeting utility, I have used it for over two months now and it is too good to be free. "Out Of ...
- buy groceries on a monthly basis so that I don't spend too much.
- For fruits and vegetables: I usually buy frozen or ...
Saving Money All Year Long for Christmas
I keep a list on me at all times of the people that I buy Christmas gifts for. Whenever I'm in a store, I always browse the clearance, sale, and closeout ...
Wood Burning Pellet Stove
My husband and I recently moved into our first home. We used to live in a tiny little apartment, but we could crank the heat since it was included with ...