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How to Whitelist Email

Why do you need to whitelist email communications from vendors or domains that you have requested information from?

Increasingly, ISPs (ex., earthlink.net, comcast.net) and mail services (ex., Hotmail) are using filtering systems to try and keep spam out of customers' inboxes.

Sometimes, though, they accidentally filter the e-mail that you do want to receive.

This is a serious problem for Simple Debt Free Living since some terms and subject matter used in our newsletter articles and tips (i.e. debt, debt free, eliminate debt, saving money, personal finance) and domain name will most likely meet criteria for filtering. Therefore, it is highly likely that you will have to whitelist email from SimpleDebtFreeLiving.com in order to recieve our newsletter.

If you choose not to whitelist email from us, you may never even get your opt-in confirmation email to begin receiving our newsletter. You'll probably just think we neglected your request. Actually, we are never making it to your inbox, being filtered out as "unwanted" mail.

Please do not blame your ISP or mail service.

The volume of spam is enormous and the algorithms to figure out what is spam (and what is not) are complicated. So mistakes do happen.

We all have to deal, unfortunately, with the fallout of what spammers do to the Internet.

Naturally, you want to keep spam out. And you want to receive important communications -- Newsletters, Support e-mail, and any other e-mail that you request (and we only send e-mail that you request).

Bypass Email altogether to get regular updates and Never Miss A Newsletter! Subscribe to our RSS feed.

What's RSS?

To make sure that Simple Debt Free Living mail is not deleted or filtered into a "junk" or "bulk" folder, please whitelist email from us. Add the following Simple Debt Free Living domains to your list of trusted senders/your address book/contact list (in your e-mail software) and to your ISP/mail service's email whitelist...

  • Cheryl@simpledebtfreeliving.com
  • contactcj@simpledebtfreeliving.com
  • subscribe@simpledebtfreeliving.com
  • unsubscribe@simpledebtfreeliving.com

  • This should guarantee that you will receive whatever e-mail you request... Support replies (should you ever contact us)and our newsletter, etc. We only EVER send e-mail that you specifically request.

    It's a shame to bother you like this, but blame it on the spammers. Your ISP or mail service is only trying to protect you. The bottom line is that things have become so complicated in the ever-escalating war between spammers and ISPs/mail services, that you and we are accidentally caught in their cross-fire.

    How do you add Simple Debt Free Living domains to your whitelist email list?

    That varies from ISP/mail service to service...

    Internet Service Provider's


    Whitelist email on Mail Services

    Google's Gmail is currently being beta tested. We will update you when the service has been released.
    Hotmail (or MSN)
    Yahoo! Mail

    NOTE: If your ISP does not allow you to whitelist a domain, they are failing to meet your most basic of EXPECTATIONS... to receive e-mail from whomever you want. There are many other, customer-focused, ISPs who would love to have your business.

    Contact Us if you cannot whitelist email.

    Whitelist Email on Client Side Servers and Filters

    OutLook or Eudora
    Filter Software

    Sorry for the inconvenience, but these circumstances are beyond our control. All you and we can do is work together with the good ISPs and responsible mail services to shut out the spammers, and let the "good guys" through.

    Thank You
    Publisher, Cheryl Johnson

    NOTE:If you don't get e-mail after whitelisting or are not capable of whitelisting email on your service, simply switch to a more customer-focused ISP or mail service who deserves your business.

    Each ISP is a little different, but the idea is the same. ISPs usually provide help or instructions about whitelisting. But...

    If you can't find how to add the SimpleDebtFreeLiving.com domains to a whitelist, call or e-mail your ISP's tech support or postmaster@your-isp.com and specifically ask how you can be sure to receive all e-mail you want to recieve mentioning all the domains you would like to receive email from.

    Whitelist Email on AOL

    Place the domains in your Address Book. Check AOL help for details, if necessary.

    Different versions have different features. For example in version 7.0, go to Keyword Mail Controls -- after you select your screen name and left-click on "Customize Mail Controls For This Screen Name," enter the above domains in the section "exclusion and inclusion parameters."

    For AOL version 8.0, select "Allow email from all AOL members, email addresses and domains." Then left-click on "Next" until the Save button shows up at the bottom. Left click on "Save."

    Whitelist Email at ATT.net

    If Spam-blocker is enabled and if the e-mail message is legitimate and was screened as spam, forward the original message as an attachment to this-is-not-spam@worldnet.att.net.

    Whitelist Email at ATTGlobal.net

    Your Graymail folder contains all possible spam e-mail. The Graymail folder shows up on the Spam Control page only after you activate the "Filter" option. Before you activate that option, there is no Graymail folder.

    Once you have enabled the Spam Control feature, they have created an e-mail address for you to send your feedback. If you receive e-mail identified as POTENTIAL-SPAM and it is not spam, please send that information to notspammail@attglobal.net.

    Whitelist Email at Bellsouth.com

    You must opt-out of MailGuard to receive the SimpleDebtFreeLiving.com e-mail. Once it is received forward it (with full headers) to this_is_good@bellsouth.net to have SimpleDebtFreeLiving.com whitelisted.

    Whitelist Email at Seanet.com

    You are now able to generate a daily Quarantine report, listing all blocked messages for your e-mail address and providing a "One-Click" release function to retrieve an incorrectly blocked message.

    When releasing a quarantined message from the daily Quarantine report, it is also possible to add the sender's address to a whitelist, ensuring all further e-mail from that sender bypass the spam filter.

    Please e-mail spamfilter@seanet.com to enable or disable the Quarantine report for your email address. Click here to view a sample of the Quarantine report: http://www.seanet.com/help/spam/quarantine.shtml

    If you suspect that e-mail is being incorrectly filtered please report it to Seanet as soon as possible. Messages quarantined by the sieve filter system are reviewed for false positive indications of spam.You should email spamfilter@seanet.com as well if you think that legitimate emails are not reaching you and you wish to recover them.

    Whitelist Email for Hotmail or MSN

    Place the above-listed domains on what they call your Safe List. The "Safe List" can be accessed via the "Options" link, situated to the far right of the main menu tabs.

    NOTE: Hotmail's "safe list" often does not work. If it fails to whitelist, please contact us and we will do our best to provide further assistance.

    Whitelist Email for USA.net

    Login to your e-mail account and click on Services in the left-hand Navbar. You can Whitelist there.

    To configure your personal whitelist email filters, please follow these steps:

    Determine what you would like done to the messages that match one of your filters. This generally fits into two categories, Override or Exclusive.

    Override allows you to override your spam filters, including system spam filtering, and is handy when you have mail that is occasionally incorrectly marked as spam by the system spam filters.

    Exclusive allows you to limit the mail you receive to only those messages that match your White List; all other mail messages will either be considered Junk Mail or automatically deleted. If you choose Exclusive, you will need to specify whether to keep the mail as Junk Mail or to delete the mail.

    If you choose to delete all mail that does not match your White List, this mail cannot be recovered later.

    Whitelist Email on Yahoo! Mail

    If our e-mail is filtered to your 'bulk' folder, open the message and click on the "This is not spam" link next to the "From" field.

    You can also create a "filter" at Yahoo that sends your SimpleDebtFreeLivng.com e-mail into your Inbox and not the Junk/Bulk Mail folder. Here's how...

    1) Open your Yahoo e-mail. Left-click on "Mail Options" (right side of your screen). In the right hand column, under "Management," left-click on "Filters." And then, left-click on "Add Filter."

    2) Call this filter "Cheryl's Sensible Cents Newsletter" -- repeat for all the domains above.

    3) See where it says... "if all of the following rules are true ..."? Go to the top row labeled "From header," choose "contains" in the drop-down menu and type in "cheryl@simpledebtfreeliving.com"

    4) At the bottom, choose "Inbox" from the drop-down menu where it says "Move the message to:"

    5) Finally, left-click on the "Add Filter" button.

    Whitelist Email on Outlook or Eudora

    Most e-mail software now has both built-in spam-filtering and whitelisting features. You can also create your own special filters to accept and file incoming e-mail, and to trash other ones. See your software's help menu for information about spam filters, whitelisting email, and creating your own filters, so that you can indicate to your software to accept SimpleDebtFreeLiving.com mail.

    NOTE: Since your client-side e-mail software is the very end of the line, e-mail may be filtered out before it reaches there. If you don't get e-mail that you are expecting, check other links to whitelist email at one of the sources above for more information.

    And, if all else fails, call or e-mail your ISP/mail service's tech support and specifically ask how you can be sure to receive all e-mail from SimpleDebtFreeLiving.com (mentioning all the domains listed above) Follow their instructions for whitelisting email.

    Whitelist Email using Spam Filter Software

    If you are using a client-side third-party spam filter (ex., McAfee SpamKiller) to augment your e-mail software, please indicate to that filtering software to accept Simple Debt Free Living's domains.

    Either add the Simple Debt Free Living domains (listed above) to some kind of a white list (or a "good list" or similar name), or click to indicate that mail filtered into a "Junk" folder is not junk -- all systems follow similar patterns, but the names may change. It is usually pretty straightforwad, but you may need to search the software's help for a bit of direction.

    NOTE: Since your client-side e-mail software-and-filter is the very end of the line, e-mail may be filtered out before it reaches there. If you don't get e-mail that you are expecting, check other links on the table on the Whitelisting page under this one for more information.

    And, if all else fails, call or e-mail your ISP/mail service's tech support and specifically ask how you can be sure to receive all e-mail from Simple Debt Free Living (mentioning the domains listed above). Follow their instructions for whitelisting.

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